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Brionvega’s timeless design in two exclusive exhibitions in Seoul, Korea

From March 19 th and for three weeks THM Coffee Shop (based in Seoul, Korea) has decided to dedicate its space for an exclusive exhibition to Brionvega’s timeless design.

Inside the coffee shop all the historical pieces of the brand are exhibited: the Algol & Doney televisions and the legendary radio.cubo 50° original projects by Marco Zanuso and Richard Sapper, the radio grattacielo rr327D+S designed by M. Zanuso, the Ts217 Wearit designed by Michael Young and the radiofonografo rr226 fo-st by Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni in white and orange finish.

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Murals of the radiofonografo on the wall of the THM Coffee Shop in Seoul, Korea


radiofonografo rr226 fo-st orange & radiofonografo rr226 fo-st white

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Ts217 Wearit & radio.cubo 50°


radio grattacielo rr327D+S 

From March 25th until May 30th at 10 Corso Como in Seoul, Korea will be held an exhibition to celebrate the 13th anniversary of 10 Corso Como, the exhibition is about Italian Design and mainly by Castiglioni. The radiofonografo rr226 fo-st white will be displayed at Cheong-dam flagship store (3rd floor) and also at the Lotte Avenuel department store.

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