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Record figure for David Bowie’s Radiofonografo

The Radiofonografo rr126 designed by Achille and Piergiacomo Castiglioni and owned by David Bowie was auctioned on 11 November 2016 for the incredible sum of £257,000, dramatically increasing its already enormous prestige and making it one of the most, if not the most, expensive stereo and design object in the world. Click here for the link to Sotheby’s official page. The ts502 radio.cubo designed by Marco Zanuso and Richard Sapper and also owned by David Bowie was also auctioned for a record £30,000. It is difficult, if not impossible, to find a radio that can boast such a value. click here for the link to Sotheby’s official page. About the auction : Hundreds of paintings from David Bowie’s personal collection were auctioned between 10 and 11 November 2016 at Sotheby’s. During his lifetime, Bowie collected everything from works by post-war artists to the avant-garde, particularly German Expressionism and Surrealism, along with sculptures, record players and designer furniture. However, the maniacal care with which he kept his selection never prevented him from generously lending several pieces for special exhibitions. As an all-round supporter of art, David Bowie did not just collect, but throughout his life commissioned and supported the world of fine arts in various ways, interviewing artists for art magazines and even helping to launch an art book publishing house. The pieces for sale were presented through a travelling exhibition in major cities around the world such as : London, New York, Los Angeles and Hong Kong, attracting large audiences. The entire collection was sold for a record sum of more than £12 million.